Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fire on the Mountain! Returns to Sprewell Bluff

Participants of all ages are invited Saturday, March 14, to Fire on the Mountain! – the annual celebration of an ongoing effort to conserve areas of rare montane longleaf pine habitat through the use of prescribed fire at Sprewell Bluff State Park near Thomaston.

Watching safely from the banks of the Flint River, visitors can observe the fascinating practice of prescribed burning as professionals carefully set fire on Pine Mountain ridge.

“Fire is essential to maintaining many species of wildlife and their habitats found here at Sprewell Bluff,” said Nathan Klaus, a senior wildlife biologist with the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division’s Nongame Conservation Section. “Natural resource professionals feel that it is important to share this knowledge about fire with local citizens, and what better way to do that than with a safe, first hand experience.”

Beginning at noon March 14, festival goers will enjoy the sounds of bluegrass music, the tastes of festival foods sponsored by the Thomaston Upson County Chamber of Commerce and the natural beauty that makes Sprewell Bluff such a special place.

Throughout the afternoon, natural resource agency staff will provide demonstrations on how and why prescribed fires are conducted, presentations on Georgia’s unique and diminishing longleaf pine forests, and live animal programs showcasing some of the wildlife that call the Piedmont eco-region home.

“With acceptable wind speed and direction, temperature, and humidity as ‘prescribed’ in our burn plan, we will begin the prescribed fire demonstration on the mountainside, giving spectators a close up look at Mother Nature’s fireworks set in the natural amphitheater of the Flint River Valley,” Klaus said.

Historically, natural fires frequently swept across the unfragmented landscape, helping shape the diversity of plants and animals found there. And fire is still an important tool for maintaining healthy longleaf pine ecosystems throughout the Southeast. Prescribed fire helps prevent the encroachment of competing hardwoods and restores a grassy understory lush with ferns, wildflowers and other herbaceous plants. Fire also helps establish important habitat for many wildlife species such as the bobwhite quail, wild turkey, Bachman’s sparrow and the endangered red cockaded woodpecker.

Wildlife Resources biologists and other burn teams use prescribed fire on thousands of acres each year throughout Georgia to manage wildlife habitats and reduce the risk of damage from wildfires.

Sprewell Bluff State Park and State Natural Area boast more than 3,000 acres along the Flint River. The park and natural area are popular among outdoor enthusiasts for their wildflowers, wildlife, and scenic, rocky bluffs overlooking the river.

Admission to the event is only $3 per vehicle. Organizers include the Department of Natural Resources’ State Parks & Historic Sites and Wildlife Resources divisions, the Georgia Forestry Commission, Thomaston-Upson County Chamber of Commerce, The Nature Conservancy of Georgia, Callaway Gardens, Georgia Power and The Environmental Resources Network (T.E.R.N.), a nonprofit supporting the Wildlife Resources Division’s nongame work.

For more information on Fire on the Mountain! at Sprewell Bluff State Park, visit

Please check the Web site before March 14 for updates on possible event cancellation due to inclement weather.


** What: Fire on the Mountain!, annual celebration of conserving montane longleaf pine habitat using prescribed fire at Sprewell Bluff.

** When: Noon till after sunset Saturday, March 14

** Where: Sprewell Bluff State Park, Thomaston.

** Highlights: Prescribed fire demonstrations, presentations on longleaf pine forests, live animal shows, bluegrass music and food.

** Admission: $3 per vehicle. Shuttle service provided from designated parking areas.

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